Proactive Senior Pet Care for Quality of Life
Maintaining optimal health, good quality of life, and comfortable mobility are three of our top priorities when caring for senior pets. This is why routine preventive care and early diagnosis of developing conditions are essential for our furry companions as they age.
Senior-focused wellness exams from Queensway West Animal Hospital, combined with personalized diagnostic testing, allow us to spot age-related conditions while they are still developing and more easily managed.
Our nutritional counselling services provide valuable guidance on how you can help slow the progression of your senior companion's medical conditions and ease discomfort using veterinarian-recommended diet plans and supplements.
Health Problems in Senior Pets
Some of the age-related conditions we commonly see in elderly pets include:
Joint or Bone Disorders
Senior Dogs
As your dog reaches their golden years, there are a variety of joint or bone disorders that can cause pain and discomfort. Some of the most prevalent joint and bone disorders in senior dogs include arthritis, hip dysplasia, and reduction in spinal flexibility.
Addressing these problems early is crucial for keeping your dog comfortable as they continue to age. Treatment for joint and bone issues in senior dogs can range from reducing levels of exercise to the use of analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs to surgery for the removal of diseased tissue, stabilization of joints or pain reduction.
Senior Cats
Osteoarthritis is a painful condition can affect your senior cat's joints.
While cats have been known to experience a decrease in range of motion, common symptoms of osteoarthritis in elderly cats include weight loss, loss of appetite, depression, change in attitude, poor grooming habits, urination or defecation outside the litter pan, and the inability to jump high.
The unfortunate reality is that a large number of pets develop cancer throughout their lifetime, especially when they get older.
Even if your senior pet seems healthy, routine checkups give your veterinarian the opportunity to catch early signs of cancer that would otherwise go undetected. Earlier diagnosis typically results in better treatment outcomes.
Heart Disease
Heart diseases are as much of a problem for aging dogs and cats as they are for people as we grow older.
As dogs move into their golden years, the risk of congestive heart failure increases. This common condition occurs when the heart stops pumping blood efficiently, causing fluid to back up in the heart, lungs, and chest cavity.
Although heart disease is seen less in cats than in dogs, Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) is relatively common. This condition causes the walls of a cat’s heart to thicken, decreasing the heart’s ability to function efficiently.
Blindness & Hearing Loss
Degeneration in the eyes and ears can lead to varying degrees of deafness and blindness in elderly pets, especially dogs.
These conditions are difficult for pet parents to spot because they often develop gradually, giving senior pets time to subtly adjust their behaviour.
Liver Disease
Liver disease is common in senior cats and can be caused by high blood pressure or hyperthyroidism. Symptoms of liver disease in cats include jaundice, drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite and increased thirst.
Common signs of liver disease in dogs are seizures, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, jaundice, abdominal fluid buildup, and weight loss.
Although it is possible for cats and dogs to develop diabetes at any age, most are diagnosed as they reach the later half of their life.
Symptoms of diabetes in cats and dogs include excessive thirst, increased appetite accompanied by weight loss, cloudy eyes, and chronic or recurring infections.
Kidney Disease
Kidney function tends to decline as pets get older. However, occasionally medications used to treat other conditions in senior pets can lead to kidney problems.
While there is no cure for chronic kidney disease, it can often be managed with a prescription diet and certain medications.
Senior pets can be prone to accidents as the muscles controlling the bladder begin to weaken, but you should never ignore incontinence since it can be a sign of a bigger health issue such as a urinary tract infection or dementia.
Routine Exams for Senior Dogs & Cats
Regular examinations for senior dogs and cats provide our veterinarians with the opportunity to detect developing issues early. When a health condition, like cancer, diabetes or heart disease, is detected in its earlier, more manageable stages, treatment can begin sooner. This can often slow its progression or stop it entirely depending on the disease.
Our veterinarians will thoroughly examine your senior dog or cat and ask about their diet and lifestyle. Diagnostic testing may be recommended to gain additional insight into your pet's organ function and overall health. Some tests that can be performed include a complete blood count (CBC), biochemistry profile, and urinalysis.
Next, your veterinarian will recommend a treatment plan to address any existing health problems and help prevent potential age-related issues. Recommendations may include changes to your dog or cat’s diet or exercise routine, as well as medications or supplements to help your senior pet stay happy and comfortable.
New Patients Welcome
Our team of Kanata veterinarians provides the personalized medical care your pet deserves. Get in touch today to book your companion's first appointment.